Saturday, May 8, 2010

Under Unconscious Influence - The Subliminal

Subliminal refers to anything that is below a threshold of conscious perception. All that happens within the subconscious mind is termed subliminal. It is essential to know about subliminal because our lives is directly related to it, even our own thoughts.

You know that in your subconscious mind, thousands of information is being processed every second. The subconscious takes in all stimuli, whether it is internal or external. External stimuli are the senses. Whatever you see, hear, smell, feel and taste; whatever you think is assimilated into your subconscious mind. It takes in everything regardless positive or negative and these are the things that determine what you are.
Remember this: Your true identity lies in your subconscious mind because all your thoughts and feelings are created in that unconscious region. And the thoughts are made based on your experience in life; how you were taught and what is being fed into your mind since the day you were born. So everything about you from the things you believe in, the things you like and dislike and your opinion on good or bad, desirable or not, and your tendencies are ALL results based on what your experiences is telling your subconscious mind.

That is why it is important to feed your mind the right thing for you to grow and improve, and not degrading yourself. For example, if you think mathematics is too hard for you, or if you think you will never earn your first million in your life, you are telling your subconscious self to make you incapable of solving mathematics or do what a person will do to make himself poor.
You shape your own destiny by your thoughts. Therefore it is extremely important to believe in yourself, to know that your can do anything if you try hard enough.

However, the outside world offers to many negative things for us to digest. The news often narrates about thefts, murders and other unspeakable crimes. Gossips circulates in the community and reaches even the most remote ear. Relatives and friends tell you what you should and shouldn't do. People talking bad about you. Limitation of the moments technology prevents you from considering impossibilities. (In fact, the telephone is once said to be a tedious and impractical invention. " Who would want to talk to someone very far away?") Rules and regulations binds us. Conventional thinking molds our very own essence of beings.

It is almost impossible to prevent all these negativity from reaching us (there, I say the word "impossible"), but there is a way to counteract this.
You can consciously turn the negatives into positives through positive thinking. You just need to realize when you are acting negatively. At that instant, you can correct yourself by looking on the bright side.You can decide what is true and what is not. You can reconfigure your inner self and make it believe what you want to believe. Scientifically, your are just rewiring the connections in your brain so that it runs in the desired way. This can also be accomplished through affirmations. Affirmations are words said aloud to yourself for you to take in both consciously and unconsciously. For example, " I am brimming with confidence". There is scientific proof that repeating such affirmations on a daily basis can change your internal belief systems, like programming your chip to do the things you want!

You don't want the world to shape you. YOU are supposed to shape the world. YOU are the master of your own thoughts. YOU determine who you are, not someone else. The next time someone tell you that you can't, remember that it is utter NONSENSE.

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