Sunday, May 16, 2010

OptiMINDzation Vol. 1

Ever heard of Stephen Pierce? He is a renowned expert internet marketer who is a master when is comes to building a successful online business. And he is the creator of the OptiMINDzation brainwave entrainment program. He aims for mind and body balance, that is being physically and mentally fit. He designed this audio program to boost his brainpower and also to cope with his demanding schedule. Being able to train your brain sufficiently in just 30 minutes a day certainly provides the satisfaction in life that people always wanted. Busy? Stressed out? Memory deteriorating ? Use OptiMINDzation.

The OptiMINDzation package of brainwave entrainment consists of 12 volumes each specifically created to benefit your brain in various areas. Volume 1 offers to train your brain, increase your IQ and provides you with mental stamina. The brainwave range delivered is in the mid-Beta range, just like iMusic BrainAmp. What's different is the brainwave technology is employs. Imusic uses a technology called IMAGINCE whereas OptiMINDzation uses isochronic tones. Unlike binaural beats , these methods of brainwave entrainment do not require headphones, but using headphone will obviously have a stronger impact due to minimized interference.

This audio brings your brain into the state of activity which is similar to performing a mental exercise. The only requirements is that you need to spend your time listening without distraction and during relaxation. On the other hand, iMusic BrainAmp can be used anytime, anywhere. This is the only part where iMusic is better OptiMINDzation. However, the effects of this entrainment audio have more immediate effect. After 30 minutes, you can actually feel the numbness in your head on your first use. Not everyone will experience this, but days later you will experience clearer thoughts and heightened awareness. You will feel that your mental abilities have improved. Focus, fluency and faster thinking is what you'll expect. Buying this first volume needs you to pocket out $29.90 but there is a free download here. Use for 30-60 minutes a day whilst relaxing. Enjoy!

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